Save the Date:
2023 Urology Resident Summit
and Job Fair
More than 70 urology residents are expected to gather at LUGPA’s Urology Resident Summit and Job Fair in Chicago, at the Fairmont Hotel, March 2-4, 2023.
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with key urology leaders from some of the largest independent urology practices in the country. Sessions will cover: Employed Urology • Private Practice Urology • Careers in Academic Urology • Physician Employment Contracts • Questions I Should have Asked During the Interview Process • Early Career Financial Management • and more!
Registration will open in early 2023. To read about the event that took place recently in New York and see photos, click here.

Dr. Richardson Talks Finances
Dr. Richardson |
In this video interview, Tim Richardson, MD, of Wichita Urology, talks about Finances for Young Physicians.
At Wichita Urology, Dr. Richardson serves as Advanced Prostate Cancer champion, co-director of clinical trials and director of the Radiopharmaceutical infusion program. Dr. Richardson has served as a speaker, consultant and participated in numerous advisory boards regarding prostate cancer. Dr. Richardson is a native of South-Central Kansas. He attended medical school at The University of Kansas from 1998-2002. He completed his urological surgery residency at The University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2008. He is board certified by the ABU and is a member of the AUA, AACU and SUO-CTC.
Watch the full interview with Dr. Richardson here.

Success As a Former Leader in Urology: My Happiness Paradigm
I recently left a high-ranking position at an academic practice to pursue other paths, and realized there is more than one way to lead.
Jessica DeLong, MD, FACS
When I was asked to give an opinion article on leadership in Urology, I was hesitant. I recently left my busy academic practice to pursue other paths – and thought I may not be the best person to write this piece. Ultimately I accepted, realizing that my non-traditional trajectory might provide an interesting example for other young leaders in our field.
Recent reflection helped form a framework to guide career-related decision making. Leadership isn’t just about achieving a goal and then staying put – it’s about being malleable, understanding when another direction may be better, and not being afraid to take that leap. Opportunity often shows itself in ways we didn’t anticipate.
I look for the overlap among three major ideas: “Desires”, “Skills” and “Needs,” and that is where I believe professional success can be found. Passion in what I do every day is essential. Without it, without existing in the overlap, I simply have a job rather than an engaging career. Recently, one of my categories shifted and I wanted to maintain balance and remain centered in the “overlapping" area. Because my personal Venn Diagram changed, I understood that I too, needed to make a change.
When we’re all working hard, it is easy to become stuck in a pattern. I encourage you to look beyond the confines of what society or tradition may suggest and really consider how you want to spend each day. A very simple concept, but I find when I frame a decision or a potential plan with these things in mind, my path becomes invariably clearer.
Dr. DeLong
Thinking outside the box allows one to always be open to new options, and to see potential in different situations. There are many examples of urologists who have done so and found great success. It’s similar to the principles of reconstructive surgery – as long as you follow basic guidelines, you will have a great outcome, and you don’t need to be confined by a rigid construct. Just as in surgery, there’s an art to living.
Jessica DeLong, MD, FACS is board certified in urology and is a member of the American Urological Association (AUA), Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons (GURS), Société Internationale d’ Urologie (SIU), Society of Women in Urology (SWIU), and the American College of Surgeons. Dr. DeLong remains committed to work in resource-poor settings and has traveled as a volunteer to set up sustainable training models for surgical care. She is the co-founder of the first genitourinary reconstructive urology fellowship in the Caribbean and the 501(c)(3) non-profit, SAFE Surgery and Anesthesia For Everyone, Inc.,

Next "Ask a Genetic Counselor" Forum
to be held Oct. 18
LUGPA and Myriad are proud to announce our next Ask a Genetic Counselor Forum session to be held Oct. 18, 2022. The next webinar for this season is:
Full workup of prostate cancer patients and the importance of industry partnership to get the genetic answers you need.
October 18th, 2022 @ 5 PM (EST)
Dr. Neal Shore will be joining Rob Finch, Certified Genetic Counselor in this episode. The webinar will include:
- Full work-up at initial diagnosis: Defining the Standard of Care
- Case Review: What is the utility for tissue-based biomarkers, germline testing, and somatic testing?
- Value of industry partnership in providing genetic answers and support for physicians and patients
- Opportunity for you to ask questions
Join us and hear firsthand how genomic and genetic testing can provide more personalized patient care!

Also note, the August 23 Ask a Genetic Counselor Forum session, “Patients are looking for answers. Why you should talk to them about genetic testing” is now available on demand here.

Advocacy Update
As the leading voice of independent urology group practices in the US, LUGPA educates policymakers on the benefits of integrated urologic care. LUGPA's Health Policy and Political Affairs committees drive grassroots efforts by developing thoughtful analysis and engaging public officials through comment letters on major legislative and regulatory proposals.
In case you missed LUGPA's Advocacy Update e-mail, here's some headlines from our most recent issue:
- July Fly-in recap
- LUGPA and coalition ask Congress to address pending physician payment cuts
- Reconciliation Bill Advances in the Senate
- Public Health Emergency extended additional 90 days
- GOP Healthy Futures Taskforce White Paper includes LUGPA priorities
- Reminder: Phase 3 Provider Relief Fund reporting is open
- No Surprises Act Information and Resource Hub
Click here to read the entire bulletin.

See Who is Hiring in LUGPA's Career Center
LUGPA's Career Center website is a place where urology residents can post their resumes, apply for jobs and get job alerts.
The site also features:
Career Coaching - Coming from a variety of professional backgrounds, LUGPA's Career Center offers certified coaches that have the experience, training, and expertise needed to help you achieve your career goals.
Resume Writing - LUGPA's Career Center offers experts who are ready to critique your existing resume or help you craft a document that gets you noticed.
Reference Checking - Get your references checked, confidentially and professionally so you can be confident your past employers are helping, not hurting, your candidacy.
Visit the Career Center now:

Looking for Past Issues of this Newsletter?
LUGPA launched this quarterly resident newsletter, Inroads, in 2020.
Now you can go back and look at all the great content in one place – including previous Practitioner Spotlight video interviews with Kari Bailey, MD, Robert Jansen, MD, Benjamin Lowentritt, MD and others.
Visit the newsletter archive here.
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