LUGPA Annual Meeting videos and slides now available
Slides and videos from the recent 2021 LUGPA Annual Meeting are now available to LUGPA members and meeting attendees. Log in is required. Click here to access the digital content. Forgot Your LUGPA Login Information? Do you have trouble remembering your LUGPA username and password? No problem! ![]() Recap of the LUGPA 2021 Annual Meeting:Re-imagining the Practice of Urology
A Message from the President, Dr. Jonathan Henderson As I begin my second year as President, LUGPA remains more motivated than ever to ensure the success and fortitude of these independent physicians and we will continue to champion regulatory reforms which protect and advance the practice of independent urology. Even amid an era of unprecedented consolidation, LUGPA remains wholly dedicated to a patient’s right to choose their physician and will remain a constant presence among policymakers to ensure increased accessibility, price transparency, and a fair and competitive provider marketplace. Read more. A Message from Program Chair, Dr. Scott B. Sellinger
Our 2021 meeting theme, “Re-imagining the Practice of Urology,” successfully highlighted the sustainable changes that independent practices of urology have implemented because of the pandemic, including continuing efforts to advance our political advocacy and our business and clinical acumen. During the three-day event, we exchanged ideas, discovered valuable insights and discussed solutions to improve and grow individual groups. We were grateful for the ability to convene in person this year, as joining together annually remains one of the most valuable aspects of our organization. We are also so thankful to all those who participated and made this year’s meeting such a success. As we embark on another new and exciting year ahead, LUGPA looks forward to celebrating new accomplishments and continuing to learn how to best position our independent group practices. Day 1 Highlights
The 2021 LUGPA Annual Meeting launched with multiple interactive workshops for practice administrators, research coordinators, advanced practice providers, radiation and oncology professionals, lab directors, and medical directors. The day also provided insightful CME opportunities for attendees on state-of-the-art topics in patient care and the latest research in urology. The evening included multiple networking events for colleagues to connect, concluding among the Chicago skyline with the LUGPA Forward “Windy City After Hours” reception in the Sky Luxury Lounge of the conference venue. Day 2 Highlights Program Chair Dr. Scott Sellinger welcomed attendees to the second day of the meeting. He was followed by LUGPA President Dr. Jonathan Henderson, who delivered the LUGPA Presidential Update. The presidential remarks highlighted LUGPA’s plans to interact with legislators and regulators to advocate for member practices and patients.
Dr. Scott Sellinger moderated the morning’s final session, “Re-imagining Our Independent Urology Practices: What’s the New Normal?” with panelists Dr. Neal Patel, Dr. Kimberly Ramsey, Dr. Thomas Rechtschaffen, and Dr. Chad Ellimoottil. The panel discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted new opportunities for flexibility and standardization that can benefit both urologists and their patients. After lunch, Daniel Schonwald and Cass Schaedig provided the LUGPA Benchmarking Update with new information on useful comparative productivity, financial and quality metrics. Next on the agenda was best-selling author Don Yaeger, who gave the meeting’s second keynote speech about the value of teamwork and building a great organizational culture. Following the keynote speech, the Annual LUGPA Business Meeting was conducted, which formally reelected LUGPA’s Board of Directors. The second day of the meeting concluded with a packed Welcome Reception in the massive exhibit hall, providing an opportunity for colleagues to connect and discuss the day’s exciting events. Day 3 Highlights Dr. Sellinger opened the final day of sessions and recapped the meeting’s previous events. His remarks were followed by the presentation of the Resident Clinical Innovation Award, which went to Dr. David Miller for his topic, “Decreasing Traumatic Foley Insertions: Implementation of a Standard Process of Coude Catheter Insertion.” The award was presented by LUGPA Forward Chair, Tim Richardson. Saturday morning involved the much-anticipated panel “LUGPA Forward Presents: Strategies to Recruit and Retain Female Urologists in your Practice,” which was moderated by Dr. Tim Richardson and included panelists Dr. Kari Bailey, Elizabeth Grady, Dr. Jennifer Miles-Thomas, and Dr. Amanda North. Panelists discussed the importance of having female urologists in practices, as well as approaches for recruiting them. The next session was “Reputation Management in 2021 and Beyond: 5 Keys to Standing Out on Google,” in which Brian Dooley discussed steps that urologists can take to benefit the online reputation of their practices. This session was followed by “Partnership Transition Options, From Onboarding To Transition,” in which Carla Blue shared valuable insights and considerations for partner transitions. Our final keynote speaker of the meeting was television and radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky, who reminded the audience of the importance of independent physicians in providing patient care and what the health care field (and our patients) stands to lose if independent practices disappear. Dr. Sellinger provided the closing remarks to another successful annual meeting. Thank you to all the attendees, sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and LUGPA staff—this meeting would not have been possible without your support! Video content and slides from the Annual Meeting are now available here. [login required]. Conference Media Coverage
Save the Date for the LUGPA 2022 Annual Meeting November 10-12, 2022 Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile Hotel
Additionally, don’t forget to mark your calendars for upcoming regional meetings, including: