LUGPA Joins Stakeholders in Response to LCD Announcement Rescinding Coverage for Genetic Tests

July 7, 2023

LUGPA applauds Novitas and First Coast's retraction of the 6/2/2023 Local Coverage Determination (LCD) announcement that would have rescinded coverage for a number of genetic tests as of July 17th, including several specific to GU: Pacific Edge Diagnostics' Cxbladder Detect, Enhanced Detect, Monitor, Enhanced Triage, and Resolve assays & Abbott's UroVysion fluorescence in situ hybridization test.

LUGPA joined with several stakeholders in responding quickly to this surprise notice, issued absent a notification or comment period and which would have precluded providers in these MACs from utilizing the aforementioned FDA approved, guideline-based tests as part of their clinical 'toolkit' for the management of certain patients with urothelial malignancies.

It was announced July 6 that the LCD had been withdrawn and that a new Proposed LCD will be published for comment and 'presented at an open meeting in the near future.' LUGPA will continue to follow closely and will continue to work to ensure that our providers are able to provide their patients with the most effective diagnostic and treatment options available.

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