LUGPA Introduces New Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Calculator Tool

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Calculator is specifically designed for LUGPA practices. Its primary purpose is to assist our member practices in understanding and evaluating the financial implications associated with the latest Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) based on the unique practice patterns of each individual practice.



The video above is approximately five minutes long.




This webinar is approximately one hour long.

This tool is a Microsoft Excel file and comes equipped with built-in calculations and schedules. It facilitates straightforward comparisons related to Medicare reimbursement changes using a practice's historical volumes. The tool empowers practices to project reimbursement consequences for the same volumes, incorporating the updated PFS information.

Why LUGPA Developed the New Tool:

LUGPA views this tool as an invaluable resource that fills a need for practices that treat Medicare patients, whether they have 50 providers or 2, regardless of their experience with financial projections based on PFS. Developed to offer a user-friendly and robust experience, the tool provides a comprehensive summary of the impact on practices. If changes are made to the fee schedule, due to Congressional action, a new version reflecting those changes will be made available.


There is NO COST to download and use the tool for members of LUGPA group practices.  

How to Access and Use:

To access the tool, click here and login to prove LUGPA membership, then fill out the online registration form.  Enter the number of billing providers in your urology group so LUGPA can accurately report royalties due to the American Medical Association.  Again, there is no cost to the group to use the file. The last page of the registration form displays a link to download the tool. 

Forgot Your LUGPA Login? If you ever forget your username, you can
always retrieve it from the login page. There, you will see links where you can 
Retrieve Your Username or Reset Your Password


If you have any difficulties with the registration form, contact us at

Once you have downloaded the tool, input your practice's billing data, segregated by CPT code and differentiated by facility (ASC/Hospital, etc.) and office. The tool accommodates modifiers when determining the financial impact.

This resource is for LUGPA members only.



See also: more PFS resources here